Running a server: Windows: jesolver_pro_XXXX --server [--port <number>] Linux: ./jesolver_pro_XXXX --server [--port <number>] The default port is 5251. You need to open the port (TCP) in your firewall but note that there's no client authentication so you should restrict the access to your IP-address(es) only. To test it locally on the server, start another Jesolver-process (without the --server switch) and type 'connect localhost'. If it responds with 'connect ok!' all further commands are forwarded to the server process. Connecting to a server in PioViewer: Open the Tools->Solver->Run Arbitrary Solver Command window and type: 'connect <server hostname/ip-address> [port]' If it fails, it's most likely a firewall configuration error. Some commands behave differently when connected to a server: Command PioViewer Description load_script Script browser Loads a local script and sends the commands to the server. dump_tree File->Save... Dumps the tree to a temporary file on the server and downloads it to the client. I don't recommend trying to save full trees unless you are on a very fast network. There's no progress meter so the GUI might seem frozen while it's downloading. load_tree File->Load tree Loads a local file and uploads it to the server. disconnect (command window) Closes the connection to the server. exit Close Exits the client only, server stays up.